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Clubs and Co-curricular

Did you know we have over 100 clubs at Â鶹´«Ã½Ó³»­?!

Here you will find the full range of Co-curricular clubs on offer.

Developing Students’ Well Being, Intellectual Curiosity and Social Skills

At Â鶹´«Ã½Ó³»­, we value the importance of opportunities outside of the classroom and are extremely proud of our co-curricular provision. In the academic year 22-23, we offered a total of 109 different co-curricular clubs to students. These ranged from academic support sessions through to performing arts, games clubs, sports clubs and many, many more! We are very proud that 66% of students attended at least 1 activity this year, with some students attending as many as 12 different activities throughout the year.

Â鶹´«Ã½Ó³»­ students (from Year 7 to Year 13) in the May 2023 Co – Curricular Survey emphatically endorsed (by ranking and selecting most highly agreed) that attending the provision:

  • GAVE 46% of our students improved feelings of well – being,
  • GAVE 33% of our students the opportunity to develop their social and team skills,
  • GAVE 7% of our students the chance to develop subject specific vocabulary and encouraged our students to EXPLORE reading and research material from staff suggestions,
  • GAVE 7% of our students the CURIOSITY to read and research material and QUESTION from their OWN ideas and suggestions.

Individual Testimonials from Â鶹´«Ã½Ó³»­ students included:

  • â€Òµ have chosen social because when I came to Â鶹´«Ã½Ó³»­ I was shy and the clubs have really helped me with teamwork and social health.’
  • ‘B±ð³¦²¹³Ü²õ±ð if you don’t go to clubs you won’t improve.’
  • ‘The revision club has helped me to feel more confident in the subject and has helped me with the terminology.’
  • ‘Spending time with my friends makes me happier; singing releases serotonin, also there are lots of team skills involved in choir and I intend to go into the theatre industry.’
  • â€Òµ chose teamwork as it improved all of my social skills and it means I can talk to people on a wider range of topics.’
  • ‘Playing in concerts teaches you to manage stress and the importance of practice.’
  • â€Òµ am an introvert and going to these clubs helped me work with others and talk to them freely.’
  • â€Òµt has made me more inquisitive about the sport I play.
  • ‘Volunteering allowed me to work with different ages and gave me more experience with team skills and understanding how other people approach situations and life.’
  • â€Òµ would say that the majority of the clubs that I do are for my own enjoyment; so it definitely helps with my own well- being as I get a lot of joy from it.’

Extended Testimonials from Â鶹´«Ã½Ó³»­ students included:

  • â€Òµ love trying to meet new people.’
  • â€Òµ really enjoy one of the clubs and it makes me feel better.’
  • â€Òµ feel productive, hence, more well – being.’
  • â€Òµn band it feels like a family and I am close with everyone.’
  • â€Òµt improves well – being because you get to spend time with your mates.’
  • ‘Joining in Girls’ Sixth Form Football Club was a huge achievement for me and developed my skills further.’
  • ‘Sport is great for my mental well – being.’
  • ‘B±ð³¦²¹³Ü²õ±ð it has helped me.’
  • ‘Doing extra clubs is great fun.’
  • â€Òµf your well – being and feelings are good; you can be a good person.’
  • ‘C±ô³Ü²ú²õ encourage me to explore new things.’  ‘Helped me to understand subject terminology.’
  • ‘Running Club makes me feel good; knowing I have gone for a 5k upwards run.’
  • â€Òµ spend time with people from different year groups that I wouldn’t see in the day in lessons.’
  • ‘Going to rugby has helped my well – being and health.’
  • ‘Whenever I walked out of the club I felt really good and happy.’
  • â€Òµt’s helped me to pronounce better English.’
  • â€Òµt helped my team skills; as I was always playing on a team with someone and it helped me get used to working with people.’
  • Because it helps me focus and know more.’
  • ‘B±ð³¦²¹³Ü²õ±ð it’s talking and discussing Maths.’
  • ‘Made me more interested in languages; as I attended the MFL club.’
  • ‘Helped me develop trust and inspires me.’
  • ‘When me and my friends are rehearsing our dances; we talk to each other about what needs improving.’
  • â€Òµ find it interesting to learn how to use these pieces of laser cutting software.’
  • â€Òµt makes it necessary to read further in order to have a full understanding of what I have learnt.’
  • ‘DND is about making up a story and playing as characters; so it’s mainly getting more confident with things like that.’
  • ‘Astronomy club has helped my understanding of recommended subjects.’
  •  â€Òµt’s nice to see friends.’
  • ‘Sports are inclusive and teamwork is vital.’
  • ‘Developed skills that I can use on my CV with examples. Teamwork and leadership.’
  • â€Òµ genuinely enjoy the subjects which is why I go.’
  • ‘Going to the clubs gives you purpose and helps you stay active.’
  • ‘Going to the clubs has improved my happiness as I can have fun with friends.’

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Â鶹´«Ã½Ó³»­'s Grammar School, Ashbourne Derbyshire