
Give &,

Remote Learning

Remote Learning Update

How Remote Learning Will Look:

All remote learning work is set via Teams.  Where a ‘live lesson’ has been scheduled, this should also appear in student outlook calendars.

Where a whole class or year group is not in school, teachers will conduct live and/or interactive lessons for every student in all year groups for every lesson. As in an ordinary classroom situation, the way a lesson is delivered will suit the content/objectives of the lesson. Teachers will be ‘present’ on TEAMS for every lesson and may conduct a totally live lesson; they may set a pre-recorded LOOM and then be available to answer questions during the lesson; or they may ask students to do an independent activity but again be present on TEAMS to support students. There will be times where a teacher will turn their video off and ‘mute’ themselves whilst students complete their learning.

Where an individual student is isolating, rather than a whole class, most lessons will be ‘hybrid’ lessons, where the teacher will conduct a lesson in the classroom and via Teams at the same time. Where this is not possible, due to staff absence or the nature of the lesson, work will be set on Teams.

Attendance During Remote Learning

Attendance to lessons and form time will be monitored by staff and parents will be contacted to offer support. We understand many of you, like us, are balancing our own personal arrangements but it is important students access all lessons. Please contact your child’s form tutor if you need to discuss this further.

Timings of the Day

Students will follow their usual lesson schedule. There will be a lunch break during lesson 3 for students and staff.

At changeover between lessons, take the chance to stand and stretch. Hydrate with a drink and take a short comfort break.

How to download Microsoft Office at Home

As we use a school license for Office 365 (Word, Excel, PowerPoint etc), staff and students have free access to all these products on up to 5 devices:

Installing Office:

  1. Go to
  2. Log in
  3. Click “Install Office” top right of the screen and follow the on screen instructions

This will work for up to 5 computers that the member of staff/student uses.

Activating Office:
If you get prompted to activate an already installed version of office use your normal
@queenelizabeths.derbyshire.sch.uk email address and current password.

Teams Guidance

Click for Microsoft Teams Guide for Â鶹´«Ã½Ó³»­ Students Students will be automatically added to the Teams for their subjects.

Â鶹´«Ã½Ó³»­ Student Guide to Microsoft Teams

Remote Learning Expectations for

  • Plan and deliver high quality lessons in line with timetable
  • Be present and accessible for the lesson
  • Will register students
  • Will differentiate learning and resources
  • Will provide feedback during lesson
  • Will provide extended learning (homework/independent study) once a week in KS4 and KS5
  • Will follow up concerns and praise via telephone
  • Will use breaks to stretch and stand, eat and hydrate
  • Will attend and be present in line with timetable
  • Will engage with lesson and learning
  • Will ask teacher for clarification/support as required
  • Will respond to feedback during lesson, and next steps
  • Will complete extended learning (homework/independent study) as required
  • Will use breaks to stretch and stand, eat and hydrate

Where to go for work

SubjectWhere to go for workNotes
English LanguageYear group English Language Team
English LiteratureYear group English Literature Team
ArtYear group Art Team
MathsYear group maths Team
ScienceYear group Science Team
HistoryYear group History Team
GeographyYear group Geography Team
FrenchYear Team for French
SpanishYear Team for Spanish
DanceYear group Dance Team
DramaYear group Drama Team
DIYear group DI Team
MusicYear group Music Team Some Year 8 music classes have got a separate Class Team. They will have been told this in lesson and added to the appropriate Team.
PEYear group PE Team
RSYear group RS Team
ComputingYear group Computing
SubjectWhere to go for workNotes
English LanguageYear group English Language Team
English LiteratureYear group English Literature Team
MathsTwo maths groups TeamsStudents will be added to the appropriate Team
ScienceYear group Science Team
HistoryYear group History Team
GeographyYear group Geography Team
ArtYear group Art Team
FrenchYear Team for French
SpanishYear Team for Spanish
DanceYear group Dance Team
DramaYear group Drama Team
DIYear group DI Team
MusicYear group Music Team
PEYear group PE Team
RSYear group RS Team
ComputingYear group Computing Team
SubjectWhere to go for workNotes
English LiteratureYear group and class Team for English Literature Work will be set regularly in both Teams
English LanguageYear group and class Team for English LanguageWork will be set regularly in both Teams
MathsClass Team for maths
ScienceClass Team for each science subject
HistoryClass Team for history
GeographyClass Team for geography
ArtClass teams for Art and Art textiles
BusinessYear Team for Business
FrenchClass Teams for French
SpanishClass Teams for Spanish
ChildcareClass Team for childcare
DanceYear Team for Dance
DramaYear Team for dance
DIClass Team for each DI subject
Music One Team for Year 10 and 11 Music
PE (Core PE)Core PE: Year Team
GSCE PEGSCE PE: Class Team and OneNote (KBN)
ComputingClass Team for computing
CDMClass Team for Digital Media/CDM website
SubjectWhere to go for workNotes
English LiteratureClass Team for English Literature
English LanguageClass Team for English Language
Maths, core maths and further mathsYear group Team for each subject
BiologyYear or class team for Biology
ChemistryYear or class team for Chemistry
PhysicsYear group Team for Physics
Art Class teams for A level and BTEC
CDMClass Team for Digital Media/CDM website
HistoryClass Team for history
GeographyClass Team and group email for geography
FrenchClass Team for French
SpanishClass Team for Spanish
DanceClass Team for Dance
DramaClass Team for Drama
MusicOne Team for Year 12 and 13 Music
PEClass Team and OneNote (KBN)
BusinessYear Team for Business
EconomicsYear Team for Business
SociologyClass Team for Sociology
PsychologyClass Team for Psychology
RSClass Team for RS

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Â鶹´«Ã½Ó³»­'s Grammar School, Ashbourne Derbyshire